A Bright Light

Think back to Genesis 1 when God created the world. One of the first things God said was “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3). Just like God created light to shine upon the earth, Jesus came as a light to all mankind.

Jesus says He is the light of the world. He also points out that light is necessary for finding your way in this world. Jesus is the light that guides men and women into true life.

Jesus is not only the light that illuminates our path in life, but He is also the one who illuminates the rest of the world. It is by Jesus’ light that we can look at the rest of the world and make judgments on what is right and good.

Light in the Old Testament is often a symbol of judgment, because it is light that exposes the darkness and evil in the hearts of people. Jesus is the true Judge who comes with the authority of God the Father to judge the hearts of men and women (John 8:13-17).

While Jesus is the true Judge of all humanity, those who follow Jesus and believe in His resurrection have nothing to fear concerning judgment. We are no longer condemned by our past, but through Jesus we are given access to new life in Him (Romans 8:1).

Take a moment to thank God for shining His light in your life. Because of Jesus, you can experience the grace and peace of God in your own heart.

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