MARK Chapter 11 - Christian Fellowship Reflection Questions



Mark 11:1-11 (The Triumphal Entry)

Reflection Question: How does Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as a humble king influence your understanding of His mission and kingship? How can we honor Jesus as King in our lives?

Suggested Answer: Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a donkey, as opposed to a war horse, signifies His mission of peace and humility rather than earthly power and conquest. This humble approach reveals a king who is approachable, compassionate, and self-sacrificing. It reminds us that Jesus' kingship is not about domination but about serving others and establishing a kingdom of love, justice, and reconciliation. To honor Jesus as King in our lives, we can emulate His humility and service by putting others before ourselves, seeking peace in our interactions, and dedicating ourselves to acts of kindness and justice. Additionally, we honor Him by acknowledging His lordship over every aspect of our lives, submitting our wills to His guidance, and seeking to live according to His teachings.

Mark 11:12-25 (Jesus Clears the Temple)

Reflection Question: What does Jesus’ cleansing of the temple teach us about true worship and reverence for God’s house? How can we cultivate a heart of sincere worship?

Suggested Answer: Jesus' cleansing of the temple underscores the importance of maintaining the sanctity and purpose of places of worship. The temple had become a place of commerce and exploitation, which hindered genuine worship and prayer. This act highlights that true worship requires purity, reverence, and a focus on God, rather than on selfish gains or external rituals. To cultivate a heart of sincere worship, we can start by examining our motives for worship and ensuring they are centered on glorifying God rather than personal benefit. Regular self-reflection, prayer, and studying Scripture can help keep our hearts aligned with God's will. Additionally, fostering a community that encourages genuine faith practices and supporting one another in spiritual growth can deepen our collective and individual worship experiences.

Mark 11:20-25 (The Withered Fig Tree)

Reflection Question: What does the withering of the fig tree symbolize about fruitfulness in our lives? How can we bear more spiritual fruit through faith and prayer?

Suggested Answer: The withering of the fig tree symbolizes the consequences of a lack of spiritual fruitfulness. Just as the tree had leaves but no fruit, outward appearances of religiosity without a corresponding inner spiritual reality are insufficient. True faith should manifest in actions and a lifestyle that reflects God's character and purposes. To bear more spiritual fruit, we must remain deeply connected to God through faith and prayer. This connection involves trusting in God's promises, seeking His guidance, and relying on His strength. Regular prayer helps align our hearts with God's will and opens us to His transformative work. Additionally, engaging in practices that promote spiritual growth—such as studying the Bible, participating in communal worship, and serving others—can help cultivate the qualities of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, which are the fruits of the Spirit.

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