MARK Chapter 14 - Christian Fellowship Reflection Questions


Mark 14:3-9 (Jesus Anointed at Bethany)

Reflection Question 1: How does the woman’s act of anointing Jesus inspire you to show love and devotion to Him?

The woman’s act of anointing Jesus with expensive perfume is a powerful example of selfless love and devotion. Her willingness to use something of great value to honor Jesus demonstrates her recognition of His worthiness and her deep gratitude. This inspires me to evaluate what I consider precious in my life and to be willing to offer it to Jesus as an expression of my love and devotion. It challenges me to go beyond superficial gestures and to offer something that truly costs me, reflecting the depth of my commitment to Him.

Reflection Question 2: What extravagant act of worship can you offer to Jesus?

An extravagant act of worship I can offer to Jesus could be dedicating significant time and resources to serve others in His name. This might involve volunteering in a mission field, supporting those in need, or investing in the spiritual growth of others through discipleship. It could also mean surrendering my own ambitions and plans to follow His calling, regardless of the personal cost. True worship is not just about songs and prayers but about a lifestyle that honors Him in all aspects, demonstrating His supreme value in my life.

Mark 14:32-42 (Gethsemane)

Reflection Question 1: What can we learn from Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane about facing trials and submitting to God’s will?

Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane teaches us about the importance of honesty and submission in prayer. He openly expressed His anguish and desire for the cup to pass from Him, yet ultimately submitted to the Father’s will. This shows that it is okay to bring our fears and desires before God, but we must also be willing to trust and submit to His plans, knowing that His will is perfect. Jesus’ example encourages us to seek God’s presence and strength during our trials, relying on Him to sustain us rather than trying to endure in our own power.

Reflection Question 2: How can we seek God’s strength in our moments of weakness?

We can seek God’s strength in our moments of weakness by following Jesus’ example of prayer and dependence on the Father. This involves spending time in prayer, honestly expressing our struggles, and seeking His guidance and support. Meditating on Scripture and remembering God’s past faithfulness can also strengthen our faith. Additionally, being part of a supportive Christian community can provide encouragement and practical help. Ultimately, trusting in God’s promises and His presence with us can give us the strength to endure and overcome our challenges.

Mark 14:66-72 (Peter Disowns Jesus)

Reflection Question 1: How does Peter’s denial and subsequent repentance offer hope to us when we fail?

Peter’s denial and subsequent repentance show that failure does not have to be the end of our story. Despite his grievous mistake, Peter was restored by Jesus and went on to become a foundational leader in the early church. This offers hope that no matter how badly we fail, God’s grace is sufficient to forgive and restore us if we genuinely repent. It reminds us that our identity and worth are not defined by our failures but by God’s redeeming love and mercy.

Reflection Question 2: In what areas of your life do you need to seek forgiveness and restoration?

In examining my life, I recognize areas where I have fallen short of God’s standards, such as moments of doubt, unkindness, or neglecting my spiritual disciplines. I need to seek forgiveness for these shortcomings and ask God to restore my relationship with Him and others. This involves not only confessing my sins but also making amends where possible and committing to change. By seeking God’s forgiveness and restoration, I can experience His grace anew and be empowered to live more faithfully.

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