MARK Chapter 15 - Christian Fellowship Reflection Questions



Mark 15:1-15 (Jesus Before Pilate)

Reflection Question: How does Jesus’ silence and composure before Pilate speak to you about handling unjust accusations or suffering? How can you reflect Jesus’ attitude in difficult situations?

Suggested Answer: Jesus’ silence and composure before Pilate demonstrate profound strength and trust in God’s plan. Instead of defending Himself against false accusations, Jesus chooses to remain silent, fulfilling Isaiah 53:7, which prophesies the Messiah as being oppressed and afflicted, yet not opening His mouth. This speaks to me about the importance of maintaining inner peace and trusting God when facing unjust accusations or suffering. By not retaliating or becoming defensive, Jesus shows that His confidence is in God’s righteous judgment, not in human approval.

In difficult situations, I can reflect Jesus’ attitude by:

  1. Trusting God: Believing that God sees and knows all and will ultimately vindicate the truth.
  2. Remaining Calm: Not reacting impulsively or out of anger, but seeking to respond with grace and composure.
  3. Praying for Strength: Asking God for the strength to endure suffering and for wisdom in handling unjust situations.

Mark 15:16-32 (The Crucifixion)

Reflection Question: What does the crucifixion of Jesus reveal about the depth of God’s love for humanity? How does this understanding of sacrifice impact your relationship with God and others?

Suggested Answer: The crucifixion of Jesus reveals the immeasurable depth of God’s love for humanity. John 3:16 encapsulates this truth, stating that God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. The crucifixion is the ultimate demonstration of God’s sacrificial love, showing that He was willing to endure the greatest suffering to reconcile us to Himself.

Understanding this profound sacrifice impacts my relationship with God by:

  1. Deepening My Gratitude: Being continually thankful for the grace and love God has shown me.
  2. Increasing My Love for God: Motivating me to love God more deeply and seek to live in a way that honors Him.
  3. Encouraging Forgiveness and Love for Others: Just as Jesus forgave and loved me, I am called to forgive and love others, even when it is difficult. Ephesians 4:32 urges us to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ, God forgave us.

Mark 15:33-39 (The Death of Jesus)

Reflection Question: What is the significance of the temple veil being torn at Jesus’ death? How does this event change your access to and relationship with God?

Suggested Answer: The tearing of the temple veil at Jesus’ death is highly significant. The veil separated the Holy of Holies, where God's presence dwelled, from the rest of the temple. Only the high priest could enter this sacred space once a year to make atonement for the sins of the people (Hebrews 9:7). When Jesus died and the veil was torn, it symbolized the removal of the barrier between God and humanity, granting direct access to God through Jesus Christ.

This event changes my access to and relationship with God by:

  1. Providing Direct Access to God: I can now approach God confidently and personally, without the need for an earthly mediator (Hebrews 4:16).
  2. Assuring Continuous Fellowship: I have the assurance that God is always with me and that I can commune with Him at any time.
  3. Deepening My Relationship with God: Knowing that the barrier has been removed, I am encouraged to cultivate a closer, more intimate relationship with God through prayer, worship, and studying His Word.

These reflections help me appreciate the depth of God's love, the significance of Jesus' sacrifice, and the profound impact of His death on my relationship with God.

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