MARK Chapter 2 - Christian Fellowship Reflection Questions



Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus Heals a Paralytic)

Question: What does this story teach us about faith, both of the paralytic and his friends? How can we support others in their faith journey?

Suggested Answer: This story highlights the profound faith of both the paralytic and his friends. The friends demonstrate their faith through their determination to bring the paralytic to Jesus, overcoming obstacles to ensure he receives healing. Their actions show the power of collective faith and the importance of supporting one another in seeking Jesus. The paralytic's willingness to be carried and placed before Jesus reflects his trust in Jesus' power to heal. We can support others in their faith journey by encouraging them, praying for and with them, and helping them to encounter Jesus in their struggles. By being persistent in our efforts to bring others to Christ, we embody the faith and determination seen in this story.

Mark 2:13-17 (Calling of Levi and Eating with Sinners)

Question: How does Jesus' willingness to associate with tax collectors and sinners challenge our approach to those society considers outcasts? How can we be more inclusive in our fellowship?

Suggested Answer: Jesus' willingness to associate with tax collectors and sinners challenges us to break down social barriers and prejudices, extending love and grace to everyone, regardless of their status or past. It underscores the message that no one is beyond the reach of God's mercy and that our mission is to show Christ's love to all people. To be more inclusive in our fellowship, we can intentionally reach out to those who feel marginalized or rejected by society, offering them a welcoming and accepting community. This involves actively listening to their stories, showing compassion, and creating an environment where they feel valued and loved.

Mark 2:23-28 (Lord of the Sabbath)

Question: What does Jesus’ teaching about the Sabbath reveal about the purpose of the Sabbath and about Jesus’ authority? How can we honor the Sabbath in our lives today?

Suggested Answer: Jesus' teaching about the Sabbath reveals that the Sabbath was intended to be a gift for humanity, a time for rest, renewal, and reflection, rather than a burden governed by rigid rules. Jesus emphasizes that human need and well-being are at the heart of the Sabbath's purpose. This teaching also asserts Jesus' authority as Lord of the Sabbath, indicating His divine authority to interpret and fulfill the law. To honor the Sabbath in our lives today, we can set aside regular time for rest and spiritual rejuvenation, avoiding activities that drain us and instead focusing on those that restore our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This might include spending time in worship, enjoying creation, and connecting with loved ones, allowing us to experience the intended blessing of the Sabbath.

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