MARK Chapter 5 - Christian Fellowship Reflection Questions



Mark 5:1-20 (Healing of the Demon-Possessed Man)

How does this story show Jesus’ power over evil? This story vividly demonstrates Jesus' authority over evil spirits. The man was possessed by a legion of demons, a term indicating a large number, suggesting the severity of his condition. The demons recognized Jesus and were terrified of Him, acknowledging His power. Jesus commanded them to leave the man, and they obeyed immediately, entering a herd of pigs. This shows that no force of evil is too great for Jesus to conquer. His mere presence and command are enough to overpower and dispel evil.

What does it teach us about the transformation that comes through Christ? The transformation of the demon-possessed man is profound. He went from being a tormented, uncontrollable outcast to a calm, clothed, and coherent individual sitting at Jesus' feet. This teaches us that Christ's power can bring about complete and radical transformation. No matter how deep one's bondage to sin or evil, Jesus can restore and renew, giving a new identity and purpose.

Mark 5:21-34 (Healing of the Woman with a Blood Issue)

How does the woman’s faith in reaching out to touch Jesus inspire you? The woman's faith is both simple and profound. Despite her 12 years of suffering and the social stigma associated with her condition, she believed that merely touching Jesus' clothes would heal her. Her faith was active; she took a bold step to reach out to Jesus amidst the crowd. This inspires us to have a faith that moves us to action, even when circumstances seem dire. It encourages us to believe in Jesus' power to heal and transform our lives, urging us to seek Him actively.

What steps of faith do you need to take in your own life? Reflecting on the woman's example, we are encouraged to identify areas where we need to trust Jesus more deeply. This might involve stepping out of our comfort zones, persevering in prayer despite delays, or acting on His promises even when we cannot see immediate results. We are called to take practical steps towards Jesus, trusting that He is willing and able to meet our needs.

Mark 5:35-43 (Raising of Jairus’ Daughter)

What does Jesus’ response to Jairus and his household teach us about trust and faith in seemingly hopeless situations? Jesus' response to Jairus, "Don't be afraid; just believe," highlights the importance of faith over fear, even in desperate circumstances. Despite the news of his daughter's death, Jesus encouraged Jairus to continue believing. His actions—deliberately going to Jairus' house, reassuring the mourners, and raising the girl from the dead—demonstrate that no situation is beyond His power.

This teaches us that in moments of despair and hopelessness, we should hold on to our faith in Jesus. It reminds us that Jesus has authority over life and death, and His timing and methods, though often beyond our understanding, are perfect. We are encouraged to trust in His power and compassion, believing that He can bring hope and life into our seemingly dead situations.

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