MARK Chapter 6 - Christian Fellowship Reflection Questions



Mark 6:1-6 (A Prophet Without Honor)

Reflection Question 1: How do familiarity and preconceived notions hinder our faith?

Familiarity and preconceived notions can hinder our faith by causing us to take Jesus for granted or to underestimate His power and authority. The people of Nazareth saw Jesus as merely the carpenter, the son of Mary, rather than the Son of God. Their preconceived notions prevented them from recognizing His divinity and accepting His teachings and miracles.

Suggested Answer: Familiarity and preconceived notions hinder our faith by blinding us to the true nature and power of Jesus. When we become too familiar with Jesus or hold onto our own ideas about Him, we may miss out on the miraculous and transformative work He wants to do in our lives. To overcome these barriers, we need to approach Jesus with an open heart and mind, willing to see Him for who He truly is, beyond our limited understanding and experiences.

Reflection Question 2: How can we overcome these barriers in our relationship with Jesus?

Suggested Answer: We can overcome these barriers by seeking to deepen our relationship with Jesus through prayer, studying the Scriptures, and remaining open to the Holy Spirit's guidance. Additionally, we should challenge our preconceived notions by exploring different aspects of Jesus' life and ministry, reflecting on His words and deeds, and being open to the insights and experiences of other believers. Cultivating humility and a teachable spirit will also help us to see Jesus in a new light and strengthen our faith.

Mark 6:30-44 (Feeding of the 5000)

Reflection Question 1: How does Jesus’ provision in this story encourage you to trust Him with your needs?

Jesus' provision in the feeding of the 5000 demonstrates His compassion, power, and willingness to provide for our needs. Despite the seemingly insufficient resources (five loaves and two fish), Jesus was able to multiply them and feed a large crowd, showing that He can turn scarcity into abundance.

Suggested Answer: This story encourages me to trust Jesus with my needs by reminding me that He is aware of my circumstances and has the power to provide for me, even when the situation seems impossible. It shows that Jesus cares about both our physical and spiritual well-being, and that He can use even the smallest resources to meet our needs. By trusting in His provision, I can have confidence that He will take care of me in every aspect of my life.

Reflection Question 2: How can we be instruments of His provision for others?

Suggested Answer: We can be instruments of His provision for others by being attentive to the needs around us and offering what we have, no matter how small it may seem. Just as the disciples brought the five loaves and two fish to Jesus, we can bring our resources, time, and talents to Him, trusting that He will multiply them to bless others. Practicing generosity, hospitality, and compassion in our daily lives, and being willing to serve others, allows us to be channels through which Jesus' provision flows to those in need.

Mark 6:45-52 (Jesus Walks on Water)

Reflection Question 1: How does Jesus’ presence in the storm bring comfort and assurance?

Jesus' presence in the storm brings comfort and assurance because it shows that He is with us in the midst of our difficulties and has power over the natural world. When the disciples were terrified by the storm, Jesus came to them, walking on the water, and calmed their fears by His words and actions. His presence turned their fear into faith.

Suggested Answer: Jesus' presence in the storm brings comfort and assurance by reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles. Knowing that He is with us, even in the most turbulent times, gives us the strength and courage to face our challenges. His authority over the storm reassures us that He is in control, no matter how chaotic our circumstances may seem. By focusing on His presence and trusting in His power, we can find peace and security in the midst of life's storms.

Reflection Question 2: How can we recognize and rely on His presence in our own struggles?

Suggested Answer: We can recognize and rely on Jesus' presence in our struggles by staying connected to Him through prayer, reading the Bible, and worship. These practices help us to become more aware of His presence and to draw strength from His promises. Additionally, we should look for evidence of His work in our lives and the lives of others, and remember past instances when He has been faithful. By cultivating a habit of gratitude and mindfulness of His presence, we can better rely on Him during difficult times. Surrounding ourselves with a supportive community of believers can also help us to remain anchored in our faith and encouraged in His presence.

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