Plan With Jesus



June 20, 2024

I shared with Sis Luv before that i will purchase WOW ticket for Sis Jane as a gift having been blessed with a free ticket from Sis Cha thru Agape. However, the tickets went sold out. Servants of Jesus Christ did catch up last June 7 Sunday Service and Sis Jane expressed her desire to join. My heart was disturbed because that was the plan but i remember that i really have not prayed for it when i made the decision. 

This time i poured out my heart to Jesus kasi birthday din ni Sis Jane sa June 23 and it would be a good idea for us to get together and this is also for spiritual growth - for God's glory. I pleaded kung pwede sana Lord if loobin mo po makabili ng ticket para makasama si Sis Jane. I reached out to 3 - Sis Kit, WOW Main and my B1G17 groupmates however no positive response. 

Yes maybe i can no longer see the possibility of it. I remember telling Jesus, hindi ko naman po gusto na may hindi makajoin but just in case may hindi, makakabili po ako for Sis Jane, if loobin mo po Jesus :)

Prior to that, i was having a hard time deciding about my transportation to WOW. I already have free ride thru Sis Cha but my friend Ode asked if i'd like to join the carpool. I was very much undecided. I don't know how to decide i told the Lord and shared this with Sis Luv and Ode. I was "torn between two lovers" lol. I asked Ode if may kakilala siya sa carpool and she said wala. My mind thought that makakatipid ako kung kina Sis Cha ako sasama pero my conscience appeals to go with Ode para may makasama siya kahit sinabi niya na oki lang naman siya. I thought the more inconvenient choice where i had to pay is the better choice so i said yes to Ode.

Going back to the ticket, actually, nawala na sa isip ko ang pwedeng mangyari kasi few days na lang at conference na. Then i received a call and chat from Sis Kit and praise God for the wonderful surprise - di ko inexpect. Sis Aina won't be able to join and is selling her ticket :)  

I got excited again. I bought the ticket. Sis Luv and I are chatting to confirm about the transportation assignment in coordination with Sis Cha which praise God had one available slot for Sis Jane. But another issue came up if indeed Sis Jane will join since she's not responding. Looks like i might have to sell my ticket or offer to a friend if ever.

I had to pray again. I don't understand. The prayer for available ticket was answered. But this new issue a day before the conference is giving me worry. But i remember that God does not want me to worry. Though i might have a been a little anxious, i gave it to Jesus. It's non-sense to worry. I have to prepare my heart for the conference and worry is the last thing i want to bring. If loobin ni Lord na makasama si Sis Jane, it will happen.

Praise God Sis Jane responded. Truly a test of patience and faith. Now i understand why i had to join the carpool with Ode, so there will be transportation allotted for Sis Jane. Indeed, God provides answers when we ask. Though our intentions are good, we should always consult Jesus. He should be first and foremost. He should always be the One to lead and direct our steps. He will help us decide and reveal to us eventually the "why". We just have to say yes and follow His lead.

Thank you Jesus :) To Lord God Jesus Be All The Glory, Honor and Praise.


Proverbs 16:9 

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

Psalm 32:8 

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

Proverbs 3:6 

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.


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