The Gospel According to Luke - Christian Fellowship Reflection Questions


Luke 1

  • Luke 1:26-38 (The Annunciation to Mary): How does Mary’s response to the angel’s announcement ("I am the Lord's servant. May your word to me be fulfilled") demonstrate faith and obedience? How can we emulate her trust in God's plans for our lives?
  • Luke 1:39-45 (Mary Visits Elizabeth): What does the interaction between Mary and Elizabeth reveal about the importance of fellowship and support among believers? How can we encourage one another in our faith journeys?
  • Luke 1:67-79 (Zechariah’s Prophecy): How does Zechariah's prophecy reflect God's faithfulness to His promises? What specific promises of God give you hope and encouragement today?

Luke 2

  • Luke 2:1-7 (The Birth of Jesus): What does the humble birth of Jesus in a manger teach us about God’s values and priorities? How can we adopt a similar attitude of humility and simplicity in our lives?
  • Luke 2:8-20 (The Shepherds and the Angels): How did the shepherds respond to the good news of Jesus' birth, and what can we learn from their example about sharing our faith with others?
  • Luke 2:41-52 (The Boy Jesus at the Temple): How does Jesus' dedication to His Father's house at a young age inspire you to seek a deeper relationship with God? What steps can you take to grow in your faith and understanding of God's Word?

Luke 3

  • Luke 3:1-6 (John the Baptist Prepares the Way): How does John's message of repentance challenge you to examine your own life? What areas of your life might need transformation through God's grace?
  • Luke 3:21-22 (The Baptism of Jesus): What significance does Jesus' baptism hold for our understanding of His mission and identity? How does baptism symbolize our own commitment to following Christ?
  • Luke 3:23-38 (The Genealogy of Jesus): How does tracing Jesus' lineage back to Adam emphasize His role in God's redemptive plan for all humanity? How does this broader perspective affect your view of God's work in the world?

Luke 4

  • Luke 4:1-13 (The Temptation of Jesus): How does Jesus' response to Satan’s temptations with Scripture guide us in facing our own temptations? What practical steps can we take to fortify ourselves against temptation?
  • Luke 4:16-21 (Jesus Rejected at Nazareth): How does Jesus' declaration of His mission in the synagogue ("The Spirit of the Lord is on me...") shape our understanding of His purpose? How can we align our lives with Jesus' mission to bring good news to the poor and oppressed?
  • Luke 4:38-44 (Jesus Heals Many): What does Jesus’ healing of Peter’s mother-in-law and others reveal about His compassion and power? How can we show similar compassion to those in need around us?

Luke 5

  • Luke 5:1-11 (The Calling of the First Disciples): What does Peter’s response to Jesus' miraculous catch of fish ("Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!") teach us about humility and recognizing our need for Jesus? How can we respond to Jesus’ call to follow Him in our own lives?
  • Luke 5:12-16 (Jesus Heals a Leper): How does Jesus’ willingness to touch and heal the leper demonstrate His love and willingness to cleanse us from sin? What barriers might we need to break down to reach out to those society considers "unclean"?
  • Luke 5:27-32 (The Calling of Levi): What does Levi's immediate response to follow Jesus teach us about the urgency and priority of discipleship? How can we invite others to experience the transformative power of following Jesus?

Luke 6

  • Luke 6:20-26 (The Beatitudes): How do the Beatitudes challenge our understanding of true blessedness and success? How can we embody the values Jesus describes in our daily lives?
  • Luke 6:27-36 (Love for Enemies): What does Jesus’ command to love our enemies and do good to those who hate us reveal about the nature of Christian love? How can we practice this radical love in our relationships and communities?
  • Luke 6:46-49 (The Wise and Foolish Builders): How does Jesus’ parable about building on the rock versus the sand highlight the importance of obedience to His teachings? In what areas of your life do you need to ensure you are building on a firm foundation?

Luke 7

  • Luke 7:1-10 (The Faith of the Centurion): What does the centurion's faith and humility teach us about trusting in Jesus' authority? How can we cultivate a similar faith in our own lives?
  • Luke 7:11-17 (Jesus Raises a Widow's Son): How does Jesus' compassion for the widow and His power over death give us hope in times of suffering and loss? How can we offer support to those grieving around us?
  • Luke 7:36-50 (Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman): What can we learn from the woman's act of worship and Jesus' response about forgiveness and gratitude? How can we show our love for Jesus in practical ways?

Luke 8

  • Luke 8:4-15 (The Parable of the Sower): How does the parable of the sower challenge us to examine the condition of our hearts? What steps can we take to ensure that God's Word takes root and bears fruit in our lives?
  • Luke 8:22-25 (Jesus Calms the Storm): What does Jesus calming the storm teach us about His power and presence in the midst of life's challenges? How can we strengthen our trust in Him during difficult times?
  • Luke 8:40-56 (Jesus Heals a Woman and Raises a Girl): How do the stories of the woman with the issue of blood and Jairus' daughter illustrate Jesus' ability to bring healing and restoration? In what areas of your life do you need to seek Jesus' healing touch?

Luke 9

  • Luke 9:10-17 (Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand): What does the miracle of feeding the five thousand teach us about Jesus' provision and compassion? How can we trust God to meet our needs and the needs of others?
  • Luke 9:23-27 (Take Up Your Cross): What does it mean to take up your cross and follow Jesus? How can we apply this call to self-denial and discipleship in our daily lives?
  • Luke 9:28-36 (The Transfiguration): How does the transfiguration of Jesus reveal His divine glory and affirm His mission? How can this vision of Jesus' glory impact our faith and worship?

Luke 10

  • Luke 10:1-12 (Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two): What does Jesus' instruction to the seventy-two about going out with minimal provisions teach us about dependence on God? How can we apply this principle in our own ministry and evangelism efforts?
  • Luke 10:25-37 (The Parable of the Good Samaritan): How does the parable of the Good Samaritan challenge us to love our neighbors, including those who are different from us? In what ways can we show mercy and compassion to those in need?
  • Luke 10:38-42 (Mary and Martha): What can we learn from the contrast between Mary and Martha about the importance of prioritizing time with Jesus over busyness? How can we ensure we are not distracted from our relationship with Him?

Luke 11

  • Luke 11:1-13 (Jesus' Teaching on Prayer): How does the Lord's Prayer provide a model for our own prayers? What aspects of our prayer life might need growth or adjustment based on Jesus' teaching?
  • Luke 11:33-36 (The Lamp of the Body): How does Jesus' teaching about the lamp of the body relate to spiritual insight and purity? How can we ensure that our eyes are healthy and our whole body is full of light?
  • Luke 11:37-54 (Woes to the Pharisees and Experts in the Law): What do Jesus' woes to the Pharisees and experts in the law reveal about the dangers of hypocrisy and legalism? How can we guard against these tendencies in our own lives and communities?

Luke 12

  • Luke 12:13-21 (The Parable of the Rich Fool): What does the parable of the rich fool teach us about the dangers of greed and storing up earthly wealth? How can we focus on being "rich toward God" in our lives?
  • Luke 12:22-34 (Do Not Worry): How does Jesus' teaching on worry encourage us to trust in God's provision? What practical steps can we take to live out this trust in our daily lives?
  • Luke 12:35-48 (Watchfulness): What does Jesus' call to be watchful and ready for His return mean for us today? How can we live in a state of readiness and faithfulness?

Luke 13

  • Luke 13:1-9 (Repent or Perish): How does the parable of the barren fig tree emphasize the importance of repentance? What areas of your life might need spiritual renewal and fruitfulness?
  • Luke 13:10-17 (Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman on the Sabbath): What does Jesus' healing of the crippled woman on the Sabbath reveal about the nature of God's compassion and the purpose of the Sabbath? How can we prioritize mercy and compassion in our observance of religious practices?
  • Luke 13:18-21 (The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast): How do the parables of the mustard seed and the yeast illustrate the growth and influence of God's Kingdom? In what ways can we contribute to the expansion of God's Kingdom in our communities?

Luke 14

  • Luke 14:7-14 (The Parable of the Guests): What does Jesus' teaching on humility and serving others at the banquet table teach us about true greatness in the Kingdom of God? How can we practice humility and hospitality in our relationships?
  • Luke 14:15-24 (The Parable of the Great Banquet): How does the parable of the great banquet challenge us to consider our response to God's invitation? What distractions or excuses might be keeping us from fully participating in God's Kingdom?
  • Luke 14:25-33 (The Cost of Being a Disciple): What does Jesus' teaching on the cost of discipleship reveal about the commitment required to follow Him? How can we assess and strengthen our own commitment to Jesus?

Luke 15

  • Luke 15:1-7 (The Parable of the Lost Sheep): How does the parable of the lost sheep illustrate God's relentless pursuit of the lost? How can we reflect God's heart for the lost in our outreach efforts?
  • Luke 15:8-10 (The Parable of the Lost Coin): What does the parable of the lost coin teach us about the value God places on each individual? How can we celebrate and support those who come to faith in Christ?
  • Luke 15:11-32 (The Parable of the Prodigal Son): How does the parable of the prodigal son highlight God's grace and forgiveness? In what ways can we extend forgiveness and reconciliation to others?

Luke 16

  • Luke 16:1-15 (The Parable of the Shrewd Manager): What lessons can we learn from the parable of the shrewd manager about wise stewardship and preparing for the future? How can we be faithful stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us?
  • Luke 16:19-31 (The Rich Man and Lazarus): How does the story of the rich man and Lazarus challenge us to consider the eternal consequences of our actions and attitudes towards the poor? How can we be more mindful of the needs of those around us?
  • Luke 16:10-13 (Serving Two Masters): What does Jesus' teaching about serving two masters reveal about our priorities and loyalties? How can we ensure that our devotion is fully to God rather than to material wealth or other distractions?

Luke 17

  • Luke 17:11-19 (Jesus Heals Ten Lepers): How does the response of the one leper who returned to thank Jesus challenge our attitude towards gratitude? In what ways can we cultivate a habit of thankfulness in our daily lives?
  • Luke 17:20-21 (The Coming of the Kingdom of God): What does Jesus’ teaching about the Kingdom of God being within us or in our midst mean for how we live our lives? How can we seek and advance God's Kingdom in our communities?
  • Luke 17:22-37 (The Coming of the Son of Man): How does Jesus' description of the suddenness of His return impact your sense of urgency and readiness? What changes might you need to make to be prepared for His coming?

Luke 18

  • Luke 18:1-8 (The Parable of the Persistent Widow): What does the parable of the persistent widow teach us about perseverance in prayer? How can we develop a more persistent and faithful prayer life?
  • Luke 18:9-14 (The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector): How does this parable challenge our attitudes towards self-righteousness and humility? In what ways can we practice humility in our relationship with God and others?
  • Luke 18:18-30 (The Rich Young Ruler): What does Jesus’ interaction with the rich young ruler reveal about the obstacles that wealth can pose to discipleship? How can we ensure that our possessions do not hinder our commitment to following Jesus?

Luke 19

  • Luke 19:1-10 (Jesus and Zacchaeus): How does Zacchaeus' encounter with Jesus demonstrate the transformative power of grace? How can we create opportunities for others to encounter Jesus in transformative ways?
  • Luke 19:11-27 (The Parable of the Ten Minas): What does the parable of the ten minas teach us about stewardship and accountability? How can we be faithful in using the gifts and resources God has given us for His Kingdom?
  • Luke 19:28-40 (The Triumphal Entry): How does Jesus' entry into Jerusalem as King challenge our understanding of His kingship and mission? How can we honor and proclaim Jesus as King in our lives and communities?

Luke 20

  • Luke 20:1-8 (The Authority of Jesus Questioned): How does Jesus' response to the religious leaders' questioning of His authority reveal His wisdom and authority? In what areas of your life do you need to recognize and submit to Jesus' authority?
  • Luke 20:9-19 (The Parable of the Tenants): What does the parable of the tenants teach us about God’s expectations for His people and the consequences of rejecting His Son? How can we ensure that we are producing the fruit that God desires?
  • Luke 20:27-40 (The Resurrection and Marriage): How does Jesus' teaching on the resurrection challenge our understanding of eternal life and relationships? What hope and assurance does the resurrection give us as believers?

Luke 21

  • Luke 21:1-4 (The Widow's Offering): What does the widow’s offering teach us about sacrificial giving and trust in God’s provision? How can we cultivate a generous and trusting heart in our own giving?
  • Luke 21:5-36 (Signs of the End of the Age): How does Jesus' teaching about the signs of the end times encourage us to stay vigilant and faithful? In what ways can we prepare ourselves spiritually for His return?
  • Luke 21:34-36 (Be Watchful): What practical steps can we take to ensure that we are not weighed down by the anxieties and distractions of life? How can we stay spiritually alert and ready for Jesus' return?

Luke 22

  • Luke 22:14-20 (The Last Supper): How does the institution of the Lord's Supper deepen our understanding of Jesus' sacrifice and the new covenant? How can we approach the Lord's Supper with the reverence and gratitude it deserves?
  • Luke 22:39-46 (Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives): What can we learn from Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane about facing difficult times with honesty and submission to God's will? How can we strengthen our prayer life in times of trial?
  • Luke 22:54-62 (Peter Disowns Jesus): How does Peter's denial of Jesus and his subsequent repentance offer us a model of failure and restoration? In what areas do we need to seek forgiveness and restoration in our relationship with Jesus?

Luke 23

  • Luke 23:26-31 (The Way to the Cross): How does Simon of Cyrene's act of carrying Jesus' cross illustrate the concept of bearing one another's burdens? How can we support and help those who are struggling around us?
  • Luke 23:32-43 (The Crucifixion and the Thief on the Cross): What does Jesus' promise to the repentant thief ("Today you will be with me in paradise") teach us about forgiveness and salvation? How can we extend grace and forgiveness to others?
  • Luke 23:44-49 (The Death of Jesus): How does the account of Jesus' death on the cross deepen our understanding of His sacrifice for our sins? How can we live in response to the love and sacrifice Jesus demonstrated on the cross?

Luke 24

  • Luke 24:1-12 (The Resurrection): How does the resurrection of Jesus provide hope and assurance of eternal life for believers? How can we share the message of the resurrection with others?
  • Luke 24:13-35 (The Road to Emmaus): What does Jesus' conversation with the disciples on the road to Emmaus teach us about recognizing Jesus in our daily lives? How can we grow in our understanding of Scripture and its fulfillment in Christ?
  • Luke 24:36-49 (Jesus Appears to His Disciples): How does Jesus' appearance to His disciples and His promise of the Holy Spirit equip and empower us for mission? In what ways can we be witnesses of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection to those around us?

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