Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy)
Chris Tomlin
Verse 1 [ALL]
Joy to the world / the Lord is come
Let earth receive her King
Let ev'ry heart / prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and heaven / and nature sing
Verse 2 [ALL]
Joy to the world / The Savior reigns
Let all their songs employ
While fields and floods / rocks hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy / repeat the sounding joy
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy
Chorus 1 [All]
Joy, unspeakable joy
An overflowing well, no tongue can tell
Joy, unspeakable joy
Rises in my soul, never lets me go
Verse 3 [All, tataas]
He rules the world / with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of / His righteousness
And wonders of His love / And wonders of His love
And wonders wonders / of His love
Chorus 2 [All]
Joy, unspeakable joy
An overflowing well
No tongue can tell
Joy, unspeakable joy
It rises in my soul
Never lets me go
For Unto Us A Child Is Born/Open The Eyes
Paul Baloche
Verse 1 [Male Lead]
For unto us a Child is born
A Son is given
A Son is given
For unto us a Child is born
A Son is given
A Son is given
The Messiah
Oh, to see Him
Chorus 1 [ALL]
To see Him high and lifted up
Shining in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love
As we sing holy, holy, holy
Verse 2 [ALL]
For unto us a Child is born
A Son is given
A Son is given
For unto us a Child is born
A Son is given
A Son is given
The Messiah
Oh, to see Him
Chorus 2 [ALL]
To see Him high and lifted up
Shining in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love
As we sing holy, holy, holy
You are high and lifted up
Shining in the light of Your glory
Lord pour out Your power and love
As we sing holy, holy, holy
Bridge [All]
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Verse 3 [All]
For unto us a Child is born
Holy, holy, holy
For unto us a Child is born
Holy, holy, holy
For unto us a Child is born
Holy, holy, holy
For unto us a Child is born
Holy, holy, holy
These are the days of Elijah,
Declaring the Word of the Lord
And these are the days of Your servant Moses,
Righteousness being restored
And though these are days of great trials,
Of famine and darkness and sword
Still we are the voice in the desert crying,
"Prepare ye the Way of the Lord"
Behold He comes / riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun / at the trumpet call
So lift your voice / it's the year of jubilee
And out of Zion's hill, / Salvation comes
And these are the days of Ezekiel,
The dry bones becoming as flesh
And these are the days of Your servant David,
Rebuilding a temple of praise
And these are the days of the harvest,
The fields are white in the world
And we are Your laborers / in Your vineyard,
Declaring the Word of the Lord
Behold He comes / riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun / at the trumpet call
So lift your voice / it's the year of jubilee
And out of Zion's hill, / Salvation comes
1. Behold He comes / riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun / at the trumpet call
So lift your voice / it's the year of jubilee
And out of Zion's hill, / Salvation comes
2. Behold He comes / riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun / at the trumpet call
So lift your voice / it's the year of jubilee
And out of Zion's hill, / Salvation comes
Who Was and Who Is / and Who Is to come
Who Was and Who Is / and Who Is to come
Who Was and Who Is / and Who Is to come
Who Was and Who Is / and Who Is to come
To come, to come!
King of Kings
Hillsong Worship
In the darkness we were waiting
Without hope without light
Till from heaven You came running
There was mercy in Your eyes
To fulfil the law and prophets
To a virgin came the Word
From a throne of endless glory
To a cradle in the dirt
Chorus 1 [FEMALE LEAD]
Praise the Father, Praise the Son
Praise the Spirit three in one
God of glory, Majesty
Praise forever to the King of Kings
Verse 2 [ALL]
To reveal the kingdom coming
And to reconcile the lost
To redeem the whole creation
You did not despise the cross
For even in Your suffering
You saw to the other side
Knowing this was our salvation
Jesus for our sake You died
Chorus 2 [ALL]
Praise the Father, Praise the Son
Praise the Spirit three in one
God of glory, Majesty
Praise forever to the King of Kings
Verse 3 [Female Lead]
And the morning that You rose
All of heaven held its breath
Till that stone was moved for good
For the Lamb had conquered death
And the dead rose from their tombs
And the angels stood in awe
For the souls of all who’d come
To the Father are restored
Verse 4 [ALL]
And the Church of Christ was born
Then the Spirit lit the flame
Now this gospel truth of old
Shall not kneel shall not faint
By His blood and in His Name
In His freedom I am free
For the love of Jesus Christ
Who has resurrected me
Chorus 3 [ALL]
Praise the Father, Praise the Son
Praise the Spirit three in one
God of glory, Majesty
Praise forever to the King of Kings
Praise forever to the King of Kings
We Give Thanks
Exalt Worship
We thank You for Your love
and for every breath we take
We thank You for Your grace
and the blessings that You give
Daily we'll declare Your goodness
Daily we'll declare Your greatness
Daily we'll declare Your wondrous works
[Chorus 1]
We give thanks
to the One who gave it all
to the One who saved us from our sins
We give thanks
to the One who brought us out
from darkness to the light, our God
We give thanks
oh oh oh....2x
[Verse 2]
We thank You for the peace
that overcomes our fears
We thank You for the pow'r
to live in victory
Daily we'll declare Your goodness
Daily we'll declare Your greatness
Daily we'll declare Your wondrous works
[Chorus 2]
We give thanks
to the One who gave it all
to the One who saved us from our sins
We give thanks
to the One who brought us out
from darkness to the light, our God
We give thanks
[Bridge 1]
You are good, good, all the time
Jehovah Jireh, Nissi, El Shaddai
You are good, good, all the time
Jehovah Rapha, El Roi, Adonai
[Bridge 2]
You are good, good, all the time
Jehovah Jireh, Nissi, El Shaddai
You are good, good, all the time
Jehovah Rapha, El Roi, Adonai
Daily we'll declare Your goodness
Daily we'll declare Your greatness
Daily we'll declare Your wondrous works
[Chorus 3]
We give thanks
to the One who gave it all
to the One who saved us from our sins
We give thanks
to the One who brought us out
from darkness to the light, our God
[Chorus 4]
We give thanks
to the One who gave it all
to the One who saved us from our sins
We give thanks
to the One who brought us out
from darkness to the light, our God
We give thanks
oh oh oh .....
O Holy Night/Love Shines Bright
Song by Paul Baloche
O Holy Night:
O holy night! the stars are brightly shining,
it is the night of our dear Savior's birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
till He appeared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices,
for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices!
O night divine! O night when Christ was born,
O night divine! O night, O night divine!
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices,
for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices!
O night divine! O night when Christ was born,
O night divine! O night, O night divine!
Love Shines Bright:
We fall to our knees; Lord, we adore You.
With angels above we bow down before You.
The light of Your love shines bright
on this holy night.
Your love shines bright
on this holy night.
We fall to our knees; Lord, we adore You.
With angels above we bow down before You.
The light of Your love shines bright
on this holy
Your love shines bright
on this holy night.
Your love shines bright
on this holy night.