Playa Laiya Beach Resort Review

April 9, 2017

It was few years back when i first heard about this beach resort from my high school classmate.  I don't know much about it til my sisters named it as one of our options for this year's family outing. And for what reasons we ended up with Playa? Well the price is a big factor. For P500 (entrance fee), we already get an access to the pool and the beach. Cabanas are available for rent with price ranging from P750 to P2,500. And we can bring our own food without having to pay for any corkage. But... yes there's a but! We need to be endorsed since the Beach Club of Playa Laiya is exclusive only to lot owners and their guests. 

endorsement letter from Ms. Jo-anne Torres

Luckily, my sisters learned about Ms. Jo-anne Torres (our ticket to Playa) through the internet. And i was tasked to do all the inquiry on how to make reservations.

Ms.  Jo-anne used to be a lot owner but had already given up her property if i remember it correctly. What she does is request endorsement of her clients from contact lot owners. So, it's like an arrangement between her and the lot owners.

endorsement fee payment to
Ms. Jo-anne Torres

As for the clients and Ms.  Jo-anne, we have to pay the P100 endorsement fee per head. She'll then prepare the endorsement letter to be signed by her contact lot owner upon confirmation of our payment. This letter will be forwarded to the general manager of Playa Laiya who will confirm our reservation.

confirmation from resort's general manager

at the front desk while my feet are enjoying the floor
The good thing about the endorsement is that instead of paying for P500 entrance fee at Playa, we get to pay only P250 for adults (less 20% discount for seniors and P175 rate for kids). So,  it's P150 savings for us (P500 regular entrance fee vs P250 discounted entrace fee + P100 endorsement fee). We requested for additional discounts from Ms. Jo-anne for the senior citizens and the child going with us and she granted P50 discounted endorsement fee per head. Then, we were required by Playa to get 2 small cabanas for our group since each small cabana (which costs P750), they say,  is only good for 8-10 pax.

staff issuing blue
wristlet to
resort guests

official receipt issued by Playa Laiya

So to summarize the total damage so far hahah..

Yes,  our headcount was different from our initial reservation since some were not able to join.

Now what puzzles me is if the beach club is really exclusive since we tried to contact another person who seems to be directly from Playa and was given a quote despite not being endorsed by any lot owner. But, as per comparison,  the endorsement from Ms. Joanne is much better because the entrance fee is discounted and we don't have to pay any corkage. 

the other quotation from Playa Laiya

As much as we'd like to spend overnight, we opted not to since there are no rooms and the pool is not accessible at night. (see related blog on Rexon & Kiten Beach House Review) We were also advised by Ms. Jo-anne that a lot owner must be present should we wish to spend the night there. 

By the way, you can reach Ms. Jo-anne at

So what's a day tour like at Playa Laiya?


I like the landscape, the view of the beach from the pool and the view of the resort's restaurant and reception area. It looks simple but elegant. 

You also get to see all the action in the pool so you need not worry about your kids.

But I was hoping, for someone like me who is photo sensitive,  that there's a shaded area so I could enjoy the pool all day even if the sun is freaking hot.

By the way, they are strict with swimwear. and it's a little bit confusing coz even if the material of what you wear is appropriate but, to them, it doesn't appear like a proper swimwear, you still won't be permitted to use the pool.

Since we're there for day tour only, we never got the chance to see how it looks at night.


Well beach resorts are naturally beautiful because they're God's creation and a gift to everyone who aims not to spoil it. 
Uhmmm as we have been informed,  it's true that the water in Playa is not that attractive. It looks like flood or mud mixed with water lol but it's tolerable. If you don't like the flood looking water lol, you can go a little further and there you'll get the water you desire. Just be sure you know how to swim or you have a life vest on. 

The sand...uhmmm I'm not sure. They don't appear natural like it was just dumped there. And the shore is rocky so you have to be careful. But then again, it's all tolerable. We're not that meticulous anyway. 

Available in the beach front are deck chairs situated under the tree where you could relax and enjoy the peaceful view of the ocean.

You'll also find vendors passing from one resort to another to sell souvenir items.

There's a line up of boats offering island hopping tour for P3,000 if I remember the price correctly.
But because it was hard for us to come up with a conclusive decision, we opted not to do it.


First on the list is volleyball. Just left my ID and we're able to borrow the resort's ball. 

It's fun to play when you guys don't know how to play like us 😂 We just kept picking up the ball and laughed at our games. I'm sure those watching enjoyed it and hoped to get an autograph lol wasn't productive 
but still it's one of the best games 
we ever played.

The water activities offered by other resorts are available as well. 
But the rates are a bit pricey than that of the open beach. 

We tried the fly fish and it's the highlight of our visit to Playa. 

We have all these ideas at first of what to do like only the five of us (millennials) doing the fly fish, to let my 4 year old niece join us also, or my niece be on the boat with the guys, or my mother and my niece be on the boat with the guys to take videos and pictures, our agreed seating arrangement etc. But all were rejected. And I'm glad that the staff stood by their rules and regulations. Surely they know better than first timers.

And so my father did join us with my niece waiting with my mother on the seaside as we finish the 15 minute crazy ride. 

We never thought that 15 minutes was that long. I was losing all the strength i have and imagining myself falling from the fly fish coz i couldn't hold on any longer. Our vocal chords i think we're damaged as well due to endless screaming and begging to kuyas not to make it hard on us 😂 But there seemed to be a miscommunication or they're misreading our hand signals or they just enjoyed watching us suffer wahahahah 😂

For a moment,  i was a bit happy that my brother and sister (on the opposite side) were experiencing more of the turbulent ride while us, on the other side, were able to somehow relax 😂 Yeah ✌ I'm such a good sister 😂

My prayer was none of us would fall especially me because I'm pretty sure I'll panic with the idea of me alone in deep water and them not seeing me quickly. That's when i realized that it's just proper to wear colorful and vibrant swimwear so you get noticed easily, just in case. But we all conquered fly fish! Thank You Lord 🙏 

I don't know if I shall try it again. But i love the ride more so having experienced it with my family. Yes my eyes cried out happiness and fulfillment and that will never be forgotten.

Aside from water activities, we're hoping to have some fun karaoke time. Well that's very much expected from Filipino families who are passionate when it comes to singing. Unfortunately, they don't have any. But since we enjoyed fly fish so much, that it has been our talk for like a long period of time, we can care less about karaoke.


I like it but i have issues with managing the water from the shower. I don't know if we're just unlucky having picked that room or the room just desired to boil us 😂 

The hot, warm and the not so warm, not so cold shower was unpredictable. Moving the faucet from left to right,  right to left and to wherever doesn't lead to anything. Other than that, the restroom was fine. 


They have various cottages with prices ranging from P700 to P2,500. All are open cottages so it's important to consider the location in your selection so you can easily check on your belongings should your group decide to swim all at the same time. I didn't check if there's any outlet in case you need to charge your battery.

Our cottages are near the pool area and the reception lobby as well as the parking area. They're spacious enough to accommodate all our stuff. We didn't worry much about our things since some of us just stayed in the cottage. And so we're allowed to go elsewhere lol.

So those are the items I did notice. I have no comment on their restaurant coz we brought our own food.

Despite the minor disfavor, I still recommend Playa given the water activities, access to pool and the tolerable beach and being able to bring our own food at an affordable price.

For other details about Playa, please visit their website at


So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, 
do it all for the glory of God. - 1 Corinthians 10:31

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