God Knows Everything


"You, Lord, who KNOW the hearts of all men..."  

(Acts 1:24, NASB)


  1. Am I aware that God knows everything I say, think, desire, and do?
  2. Can I hide or keep anything from the Lord?
  3. Why then do I still do things displeasing to Him even when I know that He sees everything I do and knows every single desire that I have?


God is Omniscient, which means He knows everything. He can be everywhere at the same time and He never sleeps. 

He's aware of every moment of every day, and of exactly what we're up against. He knows our way, and is with us always. 

“He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has NO LIMIT.” (Psalm 147:4-5). 

God cannot be deceived. He knows my heart and I should constantly and attentively practice the presence of God in all areas of my life.

I might be able to deceive the world at times, but I cannot deceive Him because He is an ALL-KNOWING God!

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