MARK Chapter 7 - Christian Fellowship Reflection Questions



Mark 7:1-23 (Clean and Unclean)

Reflection Question: How does Jesus’ teaching about what defiles a person challenge our understanding of purity and holiness? What internal attitudes need transformation in your life?

Suggested Answer: Jesus’ teaching in this passage radically redefines the concept of purity and holiness by shifting the focus from external rituals to internal attitudes and behaviors. The Pharisees and scribes were concerned with ceremonial cleanliness, but Jesus points out that true defilement comes from within—evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, and folly (Mark 7:21-22). This teaching challenges us to examine our hearts and recognize that holiness is not merely about outward actions or rituals, but about the purity of our inner life.

In my life, I need to transform attitudes such as pride, judgmental thoughts, and selfishness. I must seek to cultivate humility, compassion, and genuine love for others. This internal transformation is essential for living a life that truly honors God.

Mark 7:24-30 (Faith of a Syrophoenician Woman)

Reflection Question: What can we learn from the Syrophoenician woman’s persistence and humility? How can we approach Jesus with similar faith?

Suggested Answer: The Syrophoenician woman’s persistence and humility are remarkable. Despite being a Gentile and initially facing a seemingly harsh response from Jesus, she does not give up. Her humility is evident in her acknowledgment of her unworthiness, yet she still believes that Jesus can and will help her. Her faith is persistent, humble, and bold.

From her example, we learn the importance of approaching Jesus with a humble heart, acknowledging our need for His mercy and grace. We should also be persistent in our prayers, trusting that Jesus hears us and will respond according to His perfect will. To approach Jesus with similar faith, we must let go of pride, be persistent in seeking Him, and trust in His goodness and power to answer our prayers.

Mark 7:31-37 (Healing of a Deaf and Mute Man)

Reflection Question: How does this miracle demonstrate Jesus’ compassion and power? How can we show compassion to those with physical and spiritual needs?

Suggested Answer: This miracle powerfully demonstrates Jesus’ compassion and power. He takes the man aside privately, indicating a personal and compassionate approach. Jesus uses physical touch and specific actions (putting His fingers in the man’s ears, spitting, and touching the man’s tongue) to heal him, showing His willingness to connect with those in need and His authority over physical ailments. Jesus’ command, “Ephphatha!” (which means “Be opened!”), highlights His divine power to restore hearing and speech.

To show compassion to those with physical and spiritual needs, we can follow Jesus’ example by taking time to listen, offering a personal touch, and addressing their specific needs. We can also pray for healing and be involved in ministries that provide practical support and care. Compassionate actions, coupled with the proclamation of the gospel, can bring holistic healing to those in need.

In practicing compassion, we embody the love of Christ and become instruments of His grace and power in the lives of others.

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