The Simple Gospel


When it comes to understanding the gospel message of Jesus, Romans 10:13 is a great place to begin:

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. 
Romans 10:13 NIV 

The gospel of Jesus is the message that Jesus lived a perfect life and died for our sins on the cross so that through His death and resurrection we can experience true and everlasting life. We can choose to believe in Jesus, and through faith experience Jesus’s undeserved gift of forgiveness and love.

The simplicity of the gospel is also what can make it controversial: We don’t have to work for or earn our salvation. It is given to us freely as a gift of God through faith in Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-9).

If you choose to believe in Jesus and put your faith in Him, that's it. You are saved.

If you’ve ever questioned whether or not you’re saved, then this promise can encourage you. The way to Jesus is simple. If you trust in Jesus then you are truly saved and don’t need to question it. All that is left is to continue to believe in and follow Jesus every day.

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