Jesus is the Greatest Blessing


"God BLESSES us, that all the ends of the earth may fear Him."

(Psalms 67:7, NASB)


  1. Do I know the purpose of my life?
  2. Where do I find my joy and satisfaction? How can I find it in the Lord?
  3. Do I attract people to JESUS? Do people see joy and Christ in me? 


Purpose determines one's actions, behavior, and priorities -- it helps me to maximize the reason for my existence so that I do not miss out on God's plans and the things I could do with my life.

In Psalm 67, I am reminded that the greatest blessing is God Himself -- His presence, favor, and intimacy, and that He blesses me so that I may also bless others. The truth is that His desire is to bless the entire world so that all may know Him.

Indeed, God's purpose for me is that I experience the greatest blessing (JESUS Himself), so that I may glorify Him, honor Him, and live a life that blesses others and attracts them to Him.

I will find my satisfaction in Christ, and share the joy of worshipping Him. I will make Christ known and bring others to JESUS, because I am BLESSED to BLESS!

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