Fear of the Lord


"How BLESSED is everyone who FEARS the LORD , Who walks in His ways."

(Psalms 128:1, NASB)


  1. What does it mean to fear the LORD?
  2. In what ways do I show that I fear God?
  3. How has God blessed me and how can I become a blessing to others?


Blessings and the Fear of God are interconnected -- I cannot be truly happy and blessed, apart from serving the LORD. And the truth is, God wants to bless me! The only condition is that I fear Him and that I walk in His ways.

Furthermore, in Psalm 128, I am reminded that true blessing in God's eyes does not come in the form of money, possessions, or success. Instead, He promises that when I fear Him, He shall give me the blessing of work, family, community and posterity.

Indeed, fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). I am compelled to fear Him because I know that although God is loving, He is also the judge, and failure to obey Him has its consequences.

God, Himself, is the greatest blessing and I shall not want. He promises blessings more than I can imagine. I will love, respect, honor, and serve the LORD.  I will FEAR GOD and BE BLESSED!

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