Live For What Truly Matters


 "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain."

(Philippians 1:21, NASB)


  1. What drives my daily decisions and actions? Is it for my own gain or for Christ?
  2. Do I find myself seeking personal success, recognition, or comfort over living a life that reflects Christ’s love and purpose?
  3. How can I align my desires and ambitions with God’s ultimate plan for my life?

Action Point:

The Bible calls us to live with a Christ-centered agenda, where our identity, purpose, and decisions are rooted in our relationship with Him. In a world filled with diverse goals—wealth, fame, power—Paul’s words remind us that the true purpose of life is to glorify Christ. To live is Christ means that every aspect of my life should point to Him.

Today, I will reflect on my personal goals and ensure they are aligned with God’s purpose. I will ask myself: "Is Christ my motivation in all that I do?" I will strive to make Him the center of my pursuits, knowing that when I live for Christ, I live for what truly matters.

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